Unit 1 lessons


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Updated Appendix III for Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health


(new!) Complete Unit 1

Click HERE to download your copy.


Lesson 1: Women’s Ways of Knowing

Herbal medicine is much more than just the right plants for the right person. This lesson is a journey into women’s ways of knowing. It encourages you to engage your intellectual, creative, and intuitive capacities as part of being an herbalist. In this lesson, thought the textbook readings (and optional articles on traditional healing)  you’ll […]


Lesson 2: The Roots of Wellness

Did you know that one of the most significant predictors of health and disease is one’s perceived level of autonomy in life? That one’s zip code is the greatest social determinant of health and longevity? That one’s level of childhood trauma, measured by something called the ACE  (Adverse Childhood Events) Score, and particularly sexual trauma, […]


Lesson 3: Transformational Healing

In this lesson soul meets science! Through an understanding of the role of mind-body medicine we can facilitate our clients’ success in making personal change, reduce physiologic stress responses that create illness, and enhance the body’s intrinsic capacity for healing and resilience. You will learn an assortment of skills to help your clients make shift […]


Lesson 4: Food as Medicine

The herbal medicine consult takes into account all the aspects of a woman’s life that influence her well-being. Food and nutrition are central to this. It is not your responsibility to be a nutritionist. But it is essential that you are able to provide general nutritional guidance based on what is known about various types […]


Lesson 5: Our Bodies, Our Power

Did you know that menstrual has been believed to kill crops – and poison men? That the word vagina is Latin for a sheath (as in – for a sword – need I say more!)? That in several languages, the words used for menopause mean ‘withered up’? Our bodies have been shrouded in myth, misunderstanding […]


Lesson 6: Traditions and Core Principles in Herbal Medicine

Women have always been healers. They were the unlicensed doctors and anatomists. They were abortionists, nurses and counselors. They were the pharmacists, cultivating healing herbs, and exchanging the secrets of their uses. They were midwives, traveling from home to home and village to village. For centuries women were doctors without degrees, barred from books and […]


Lesson 7: Safety, Legal, & Ethical Issues in Herbal Medicine

While herbal medicines have a remarkable record of safety that extends far back into history, the context in which herbal medicines are used has changed and some of the inherent safeguards that increased the likelihood of botanical safety have been lost. Thus safety issues in botanical medicine need to be considered in a new and […]


Lesson 8: The Actions, Energetics, and Chemistry of Herbs

This lesson introduces you to two entirely new languages – the languages of herbal actions and energetics, and the language of herbal chemistry. As with learning any new language, there is unfamiliarity – and this can lead to moments of overwhelm or feeling like you’ll never learn it. I promise, you will learn everything you […]


Lesson 9: Herbal Preparations & Maintaining an Herbal Pharmacy

The art and science of preparing herbal medicines is at the heart of both traditional herbal medicine and modern herbal pharmacy. Understanding the many different forms of herbal preparations is essential to knowing which type of medicine will be the most effective and user-friendly for different herbs, conditions, and for different individuals. This lesson discusses […]


Lesson 10: Formulating & Dosing Strategies

This lesson will give you the foundational knowledge you need to begin building successful herbal formulas: determining the correct herbs, their proper proportions, and the dosing strategy.Whether you’re doing this for your own personal use, or for your work as a practitioner, you’ll become skilled at and comfortable at creating masterful formulations for all manner […]


Lesson 11: The Client Encounter Part I

Being invited into someone’s life in the intimate capacity of healing is a privilege. It is a sacred space. It is also complex: it involves relationship skills, the ability to sort and integrate information, the ability to connect meaningfully, listen well, and simultaneously dig for, understand, and make meaning of a wide variety of factors […]


Lesson 12: The Client Encounter II

  Continuing on what you learned in the previous lesson, this lesson takes you to the next level of the clinical encounter, allowing you to begin to work with your clients in new ways — pulling together women’s ways of knowing and herbal tradition and science into a plan that nourishes and restores wellness in […]


Lesson 13: Materia Medica 1

The materia medica sections of each unit provide you with an overview of herbs that are relevant for understanding treatments of conditions found in the subsequent units. Unit 1 materia medica pertains to general gynecologic and menstrual conditions, Unit 2 materia medica relates to concerns that arise in the childbearing cycle, and Unit 3 materia […]


Unit 1: Cases, Formulas, and Reflections Self-Study Guide

Click HERE to download the study guide for Unit 1